ESG Matters
A weekly podcast that covers the range of topics within Environmental, Social, and Governance within ESG. The format is a 30 minute interview with leaders who promote, create, and manage ESG related activities.
ESG Matters
ESG Matters: Interview with William Szamosszegi, CEO & Founder at Sazmining
Amath Gomis
Season 2
Episode 4
I interview, William Szamosszegi, CEO & Founder at Sazmining . William's goal is simple: Improve humanity’s relationship with both money and energy. He and his team at Sazmining provide an economic incentive to capture harmful emissions such as methane. Their hydroelectric hosting facilities sustainably power bitcoin mining rigs for use by retail investors. We discuss, clean energy as it relates to the production of cryptocurrency, blockchain technology aiding in the auditing of cardon offets, and how regulation is necessary for the space.